Thursday 19 August 2021

How has the ancients Olympics changed from the modern?

Ohayƍgozaimasu or Goodmorning hito! Today your going to learn how the ancient Olympics changed from the modern Olympics.

The whole of the Te waka ako syndicate including me have been working on Olympic reading work such as an Olympic DLO, Standing for Digital learning object. Also on one of three focusing question which were "What is happeneding for NZ at the 2021 Toyko Olympics, "How have the Olympic Games changed from the Ancient Games to the Modern Games to the Present Day Games" and "What makes up the important feature of the summer Olympics. I chose the second one because in my opinion it was the easiest, Heres a link to it! Thanks for reading and see you in the next blog!

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Martin, it's great to see that you're engaged with your distance learning already - way to go. I've read through your facts...thank goodness things have changed! Interesting that you chose this because you thought it might be the easiest to investigate...maybe next time, set yourself the challenge of choosing the hardest - you'd really enjoy the sense of achievement I think. I'll look forward to reading any future posts. Remember to check your layout on the page once they are published, and consider is it the most effective layout visually. Take care during this lockdown; be helpful at home, stay safe and be kind. :-)


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