On Monday the 17 of the 5th I was filled with exitment because we were going on a school trip! Soon after I arrived all the year sixes lined up got ready and marched off into the bus. I sat with my friend who was like a grouch of the bus he said "Don't do that!" "Stop it!" and stuff like that, I didn't really listen to him and carried on waving at people going by. When we arrived it looked >AMAZING< I really liked when we got in because I felt so alive also it had a weird vibe to it. I saw many things in there like a drum set, a trumpet sorta thing and a stage with all the microphones sound speakers and banners.
Eventually I found out we were going to the happy place! :D Also when we got through the doors and went down the hall way what I saw was truely something to be grateful for. There was a giant... ball pit. Luckily I was one of the first to go jump in I WAS SO LUCKY! We got through some more doors to see a giant cookie we could put our faces through, An upside down room where we went on a hand stand a happy place sign where I leaned against and a few more. The last one was so cool because It was basicly a reverse vacuum cleaner and there was SO much confeti flying around the room! Some got in my face and it sort of tickled. After that we came to another room but it had cool merch like T-shirts, pants, bandana and alot of others. There was this other room but it was plain boring I mean it just had some clouds! We took a picture next to it though so it was ok.
SoundsFun Exhibition
After that we tip toed like ninjas down the stairs. Well atleast some of us while the rest were stomping elephants. After that we came downstairs and got into groups and split up. I was in a group where we were supposed to play some weird instruments and grab a mouth piece. After that we had a competition about who could play the longest and loudest I didn't win though. Later the group and I came to the online music place, I didn't really get much of a turn on the ipads or drum and when it was my go my maths teacher STOLE MY TURN! I was mad and sad but a thing that cheered me up was my friends singing a weird made up song and baby shark.
Van Gogh Exhibition
I was having a BLAST! But it gets beter more in the blog. So we go into a dark room and all everyone can see is flashing lights from behind a wall. We look at a few paintings and speeches then the teachers took a picture of us next to a painting. Then we got up and went through a hallway and turned right. What we saw was truly breath taking, The pictures were giant and changing, moving, alive almost! We sat down on a space where a projector was playing its film while we were sitting, When it played it looked like we had a weird disease and here's a picture!