Friday, 11 December 2020

Slip And Slide!

Hello and welcome bloggers, This week on Thursday our teachers were going to take us on a fun time by setting up the slip and slide!! First we had to do work but not just any work boring work! "AGH"  We had fruit break (or brain break after. Then we had to do the same work as before! After we got to do a digital  game called santa tracker! "fun!" We went out for morning tea after santa tracker and here comes my favorite part! The bell went and we raced back to class. Then we split into 2 groups then we made this plan one group would go on the slip and slide and the other in the pool and then switch over. Guess what!! We got the slip and slide!! I was out of breath I couldn't belive it! Everyone raced to the top and waited and waited and waited. It took a long time because we needed to cover the covers with soap and dish washing liquid. Then SLIP! I was on my knee's but it didn't really go fast so I stopped doing it on them. The next time I went on my back and kept turning here's a picture.
If you have any free time maybe you could go down and comment on this post!! 


Wednesday, 9 December 2020

The Tortoise

Good morning! This week on Monday I was so shocked to find something at the school on a patch of grass.  I was just thrilled, excited, stunned but most of all determined to get this little guy home. We found a Turtle!, a Red Eared Terrapin and we found its diet is any fruit or vegetables and stuff like that. I was a bit confused though just having my friend find a Turtle at our school and he was too afraid to pick it up. Even though I knew how to pick it up I hesitated just to see how it reacts. I tapped lightly on his shell and he popped inside, so I place my hands on each side of his shell and gradually lifted him up. I was amazed I was carrying a Turtle without any expericence! Here's a picture with me and Terry the Turtle! Anyway if you have some time to spare you could go and comment on my blog. Signing off!

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey

 Today on Thursday the 3rd of December we learnt about the summer learning journey.  We were all doing it and having fun me and friends started to draw for the teaser week. It was so fun and exciting because instead of doing maths we get to draw! I drew 3 pictures but didn't finish the third. I had lots of fun started to draw and a bunch of things. This is the drawing I created. Comment what you think and here where you get these from 


Comment which ones is mine and which one is the template!
